The Whole Mama - A Podcast with Jenna Gibbons
The Whole Mama - A Podcast with Jenna Gibbons
Episode #27: Healthy Mama, Happy Mama
This month is all about how we, mamas, can fuel our body with nutrient-rich food, hydrate daily, exercise, and find mental and spiritual peace.
Whether you have a newborn, 5 year old, or an 18 year old…we give ourselves fully to provide for our children…often at the cost of putting our own well-being aside.
The thing is…at some point…we will reach our peak of exhaustion, get sick, snap at our kids, and age faster due to poor nutrition…lack of water…lack of exercise…stress…and poor sleep.
We have to take care of ourselves...and it starts TODAY!
The Whole Mamas FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2787115248231643
FASTERway to Fat Loss: https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/#thewholemama Kelly's next round starts on March 1, 2021
Trim Healthy Mama: https://trimhealthymama.com/
Wholesome Baby Food: https://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/baby-food-recipes.htm
Resources at The Whole Mama:
- Join the email list and grab your copy of my FREE Homeschool Like a Pro PDF HERE
- Join the email list and grab your copy of my FREE Whole Mama Survival Guide HERE
- Join our Whole Mamas Facebook Group of 500+ mamas HERE
- Follow me on Insta HERE
- Raise a "whole reader" through my online course HERE
Our goal this year at The Whole Mama is to help 100 mamas start homeschooling in 2024!
Will you join our movement of mamas ready to make powerful and positive changes for their children?